The Branding Problem…

So, I’ve been thinking again…   Lately, the great Feminist comeback to criticism of Feminism has been going through a renaissance, courtesy of #Womenagainstfeminism.  It runs like this:  “X complaint isn’t really about Feminism,read a dictionary.”.  I really had to restrain myself to keep this as neutral sounding as I’ve seen it (all of twice),…

Men’s Rights Sydney Busts Some Myths

While perusing the Internet’s seedier gutters, as I am sometimes forced to do in fulfilling my duties here at Men’s Rights Sydney, I happened upon this noxious little nugget from what appears to be a feminist flavoured eMag called “Bust” (no, I’d never heard of it before either). Anyway, on this site was a trite little article titled “Men’s Rights…

The easy way versus the “right” way…

I’ve been pondering something of late.  In the wake of the positive and balanced coverage of Women Against Feminism (along with the usual negativity anyone critical of Feminism receives), I’ve been feeling a little vindicated, both personally and politically.  For some time now, I’ve been viewing the “heavy hitters” of the MHRA world, and noticing…

The most offensive posters ever

This is going to be a very short update. The  Stop Violence Against Everyone posters are as inoffensive as it is possible to be. They literally say that violence against everyone should be stopped, not just violence against women but including violence against women. By tearing down these posters these people are opposing the statement that reducing…

Nivea Fears Their Own Supporters

As regular readers may remember, way back in January we brought you news of the shenanigans going on at Nivea, our reaction to their latest sexist ad campaign, and their misrepresentations to the Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB) that assisted them in getting away with airing it. It was the last part of this that really stuck in our craw. The ASB rejected…